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LoC Digital Garden

An aggregated list of technical learning from the community

LoC Digital Garden

Author: Charlotte Fereday @charlottebrf

Created: 2/15/2023

Last updated: 2/15/2023

What is LoC Digital Garden?

We were inspired by Maggie Appleton's ethos on publishing personal knowledge on the web to create a ‘digital garden’ for the Ladies of Code Community. A digital garden is a catalogue of exploratory ideas which will be refined and grow overtime, as Maggie says: "Rather than presenting a set of polished articles, displayed in reverse chronological order, these sites act more like free form, work-in-progress wikis."

This ethos seemed to line up well with the LoC Group coding sessions where a group of community members frequently get together to collaborate on exploratory and often unfinished work, with the purpose of learning.

What we built

During the regular group coding sessions we built the LoC Digital garden. The technologies used were: TypeScript, Vue, and Nuxt3.

We also experimented with a new testing suite: Vitest and some other interesting format/lint tools.

How we built it

We tried as best we could to work on the project with the following goals in mind:

  • TDD
  • Pairing
  • Well run project, using the github milestones & issues feature to manage chunks of work
  • Encourage best coding practices, e.g. use linters, formatters, CI to fail builds when tests don't pass

What we'd like now

We'd really welcome contributors to the project. Either technical contributors or content contributors.

We'd really like for this garden to grow and be of value to the LoC community.